Mexican Village Restaurant
Are you looking for some great Mexican food with all the trimmings? Go to Mexican Village and get all they have to offer in the ways of an exciting Mexican dining experience. They are welcoming to everyone as you walk in the doors to their beautiful restaurant. If you want to book a private event at Mexican Village, banquet rooms are available whether its a small little party, a wedding shower, or a business party. Whatever the reason, Mexican Village can make your party great. With their great menu of Mexican and American cuisines, you will not be disappointed and will end up leaving with a full belly. Mexican Village is one of the longest running Mexican places in Detroits Mexicantown, and their pride for creating an inviting ambiance with amazing food is why they are still around. Come by Mexican Village today and experience all the fun Mexican festivities.
2600 Bagley Avenue
Detroit, MI 48216
(313) 237-0333