Masonic Temple
Established in 1926, the Masonic Temple is the biggest of its kind on the globe, and one of the premier theatrical houses of the nation. It was designed by George D. Mason and Corrado Parducci. The structure has over one thousand rooms inside of all shapes, sizes, and for many usages, and its Detroits epicenter of the art culture. Over the years, The Masonic Temple has played host to countless events of many types of live performances, music concerts, theater, along with many things that have been the glue to keep the artistic culture alive in the surrounding communities within Detroit. For over eight decades now, The Masonic has been one of Detroits best places to showcase amazing artistic talent from around the global. Its architecturally an amazing building and there has been so much history within those walls. Take a step into the Masonic soon because you never know how long it will be around.
500 Temple Street
Detroit, MI 48201
(313) 832-7100